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Brittany Pastuhov: Okay, welcome to 3rd House. Podcast and this is our lunar cycle forecast for the new moon in Sagittarius. December. First, st as you might be able to see. I am recording this on December 3.rd So Mercury retrograde has gotten the better of me, and I'm sorry for not getting this out sooner. I am also working on my 2025 forecast
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Brittany Pastuhov: which I actually recorded. But the Mercury retrograde recording had such problems that I think I might make slides actually, and reorganize the information and re-record it better, since I need to re-record it anyway.
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Brittany Pastuhov: So but this is just for the lunar cycle, the last lunar cycle of 2024, which began with a new moon at 9 degrees of Sagittarius, as you can see in the chart here ruled by Jupiter in Gemini, which is opposite, in a wide conjunction with Mercury, retrograde in Sagittarius, and squaring Saturn
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Brittany Pastuhov: also in a trine to Mars, a Trine to the North node in Aries, so some friendly aspects. But Mars is about to station retrograde here. So what we have is kind of a prickly new moon for a new moon in Sagittarius, normally, because Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. This would be a very lucky new moon, but we've got the conjunction with Mercury retrograde
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Brittany Pastuhov: and the square to Saturn.
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Brittany Pastuhov: the trine to a Mars about to station retrograde. There's a lot of internal sort of frustration going on, particularly
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Brittany Pastuhov: the the luck here that is normally there with Sagittarius is not. It's not as lucky. So particularly with one's luck or fortune. I think
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Brittany Pastuhov: we are reconsidering ideas with Mercury retrograde and the Jupiter in Gemini. We're facing blocks and obstacles with Saturn, and we're prepared, and it's kind of a
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Brittany Pastuhov: fueling. Perhaps a little bit of anger or frustration that will carry through that Mars retrograde, and that will have to parse apart so good ways to use this new moon cycle to really slow down and reflect. It is the busy holiday season for many people, and yet Mercury is retrograde, and Mars is about to go retrograde on December 6.th
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Brittany Pastuhov: So retrogrades are very internal energy, a slower energy. Do your best to slow down, even though it's busy.
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Brittany Pastuhov: See what you can take off your plate. See how you can.
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Brittany Pastuhov: have traditions be more meaningful and less commercial, perhaps. What is it that causes you stress some reflection on the stress of the holiday season. If you experience that or the end of the year trying to get all the projects done kind of thing, and and what
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Brittany Pastuhov: really feels important to you, and what doesn't feel as important. See if you can take it off the plate and slow down. It will cause less frustration if you are going with the energy and slowing down at the end of this year, taking a little bit of time off.
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Brittany Pastuhov: doing fewer gifts like making the holidays a little smaller if you need to. It doesn't. We don't always have to go. Big Jupiter is in the sign of Gemini, you know. Small things like words and and meaningful gestures can be even more important than giant gestures. So
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Brittany Pastuhov: that new moon in Sagittarius starts us off. It's not the luckiest new moon of the year. But it is asking us to reconsider something, and the more you're kind of working with that energy and having some compassion for yourself. With that Saturn in Pisces. The more successful you will be with this lunar cycle.
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Brittany Pastuhov: As we said, Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius, prompting us to consider sort of big ideas to watch what we say, because Sagittarius can be a little bit bold and a little bit blunt sometimes with Mercury there, and to think about
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Brittany Pastuhov: the fortune that we desire with Mars being the planet of desire, Jupiter in Gemini ruling
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Brittany Pastuhov: I'm thinking of sort of this Mercury retrograde, being also in tandem with the Mars retrograde happening on December 6, th and the fact that the next time that Mercury goes retrograde will be in the spring of 2025, March 15, th and Mercury will be going retrograde with our Venus retrograde also in March of 2025. So Mercury's retrograde with Mars Mercury is retrograde with Venus.
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Brittany Pastuhov: I feel like Mercury has something to say about these 2 planets and the retrogrades that they what they represent during that retrograde. So we'll get into the Mars retrograde.
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Brittany Pastuhov: But all of this retro energy it's just very internally focused, internally expressed. So when we're going internal rather than external, with the expression of a planet or assigned through a planet. Internal. Sagittarius is exploring the inner landscape, thinking about the words that you say to yourself, thinking about your own beliefs, thinking about your own
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Brittany Pastuhov: attitude toward luck or fortune, and sort of reconsidering some of those things. Of course the house in the chart where Mercury goes, stations, retrograde stations direct is going to tell you something about the area of life that will be impacted the most. But since this this new moon and this mercury retrograde is also aspecting so many things. I think it's safe to say that investigating your internal belief system
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Brittany Pastuhov: is a really good use of these 3 weeks with Mercury and Sagittarius. Other good things about Mercury retrograde
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Brittany Pastuhov: is the revelation of information like mistakes may have happened in the past that you didn't know about, and then are revealed. Things have to get Redone, but they get done better like my 2025 forecast.
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Brittany Pastuhov: so look for the revelation of information. And if you have a really hard time with mercury retrogrades like, I know, I'm currently in a Mercury perfection year. So I'm very focused on it. Think about making some offerings to Mercury, saying, if you like planetary prayers, some planetary prayers to Mercury, or getting some kind of positive mercury, talismanic materia or talisman to help you through
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Brittany Pastuhov: that retrograde, because really the positive aspects of a retrograde it doesn't have to be bad. It makes the expression a little more difficult, right? We're more likely to make mistakes with our speech or writing when Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius. But we're just as likely to have
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Brittany Pastuhov: understandings revealed that we didn't understand before, or to be able to correct mistakes that we didn't see before with mercury retrograde. So if you want a more positive manifestation. Go internal, investigate yourself, worry less about what other people are doing or what you want to say to them. Try to curb the anger that can come with a Mars stationing retrograde.
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Brittany Pastuhov: And don't say it and reflect. Okay, so that's the best way to have Mercury help you through a retrograde, because they're not necessarily bad things. But in our culture it's really blown up as this huge deal. And I think it's because we're constantly attached to technology attached to our phones, needing to send emails, etc, etc. And when it's mercury rules those things.
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Brittany Pastuhov: those little computers and communications. And when that's not working, it can be very frustrating and take longer, which is why the advice to slow down during this holiday season can be helpful, and I know, like I
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Brittany Pastuhov: want to use my phone less, of course, just like everyone else, I use my smartphone for so many things from making grocery lists to communicating with people to taking photos, but I have consciously started to kind of put it on a little stand in the kitchen next to the speaker, and just play music with it when I'm home with the kids and not have it with me.
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Brittany Pastuhov: which can be hard for the taking photos part. But you can always grab it to take a photo when you want to. Just slowing down a little bit like that, with some conscious choices, can make a Mercury retrograde so much easier because you're really just becoming aware of, like, how your beliefs or how your sort of internal dialogue is manifesting in the world.
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Brittany Pastuhov: Okay, so Mercury will be retrograde throughout this lunar cycle until stationing direct December 15, th which is also the day of the full moon. So we've got 2 more weeks of this
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Brittany Pastuhov: at the same time. Mercury is opposing Jupiter. They're both there in mutual reception with each other. That means Jupiter rules the sign that Mercury is in, and Mercury rules the sign that Jupiter is in.
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Brittany Pastuhov: There's a lot there about investigating your internal beliefs as well, and I would definitely go internal with this, with the retrograde, not worrying about teaching other people who may or may not have asked or given consent, your ideas about the world and your philosophies, but really asking yourself questions and investigating further on your own philosophies. I think that will keep you
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Brittany Pastuhov: busy enough during retrograde, that you're not externally manifesting difficulty and mistakes that can come with oppositions and retrograde planets.
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Brittany Pastuhov: Of course this new moon was square, Saturn, which means the Sun Square, Saturn, December 4th tomorrow, as of the recording of this podcast so that square to Saturn, it's just really highlighting the tension between
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Brittany Pastuhov: where we feel we would like to have fortune with Jupiter, which is a little bit out of his element in Gemini, and with Saturn in Pisces and a Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius just a little bit hindered. How can we
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Brittany Pastuhov: do the inner work to get the external results that we are looking for? Fortune requires a little bit more work for most of us during this period. There's also a serious
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Brittany Pastuhov: request to look for wisdom, to do the work for wisdom and to apply compassion in the real world with Saturn in Pisces. I've talked about Saturn in Pisces as being kind of monastic kind of like the hermit like we're really going within and looking to the internal landscape as a reflection of the external world, and asking ourselves, How can we apply compassion here?
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Brittany Pastuhov: And then how can we take our own inner growth and and really apply it to things in the real world. So during this holiday season, I think.
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Brittany Pastuhov: especially with Saturn and Pisces, like
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Brittany Pastuhov: compassionate donations, and giving to the extent that you're able would be really really helpful.
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Brittany Pastuhov: not only for your fortune, but for those of others, because we are really being called to compassion with Saturn and Neptune as we go into 2025, and as they kind of play off each other through Pisces and into Aries, so that squared is Saturn, you know there are some blocks and frustrations, but focus on compassion as the way through that, and wisdom as the way through
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Brittany Pastuhov: that, too, Saturn teaches wisdom. Saturn could be seen as the old wise crone. Saturn teaches wisdom in hard ways and hard lessons, but in the end the only people who acquire wisdom are those who have been through trials. So think of this as a trial that leads to the acquisition of wisdom.
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Brittany Pastuhov: Venus, our Venus, and Capricorn, looking to the practical things, focusing on material efforts and making a trine to Uranus right after that new moon, December second. So where we were applying to that trine, but are now separating from it.
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Brittany Pastuhov: And Venus trine Uranus in in Taurus. What did I say? Sorry. Uranus is in Taurus. This Venus trine. Uranus is kind of like with Venus ruling, that Uranus
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Brittany Pastuhov: is
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Brittany Pastuhov: letting us make room for some surprises and some brilliance like making. It's kind of like making do with what you have and getting creative with the gifts you have to give. And I think that that is kind of a nice aspect of this lunar cycle.
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Brittany Pastuhov: We have the sun conjunct, moving into conjunction with Mercury. Retrograde on December 5.th So whoops? No.
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Brittany Pastuhov: no, I don't want transits. What's happening okay, now.
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Brittany Pastuhov: In any case.
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Brittany Pastuhov: Okay, so we have a Mercury kazemi. On December 5th we'll see both the sun and Mercury at 14 degrees of Sagittarius here that will reveal something about this. What this Mercury retrograde is trying to tell you. December 5, th and then December 6.th Mars is stationing retrograde. So in Leo.
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Brittany Pastuhov: Okay? So we have a Mercury, Cosmo and Cozimo. We have a Mercury Kazemi, and then a Mars stationing retrograde in Leo. So let's talk about this Mars retrograde, because this lasts from December 6th through
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Brittany Pastuhov: through December. Sorry this Mercury retrograde is really throwing me for a loop. Guys. I've been having a really mercury retrograde, mercury perfection year. Okay,
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Brittany Pastuhov: this Mars retrograde is December 6, th 2024, through February 24, th 2025. So it's a rather long time that we have Mars retrograde Mars will retrograde through Leo and into cancer before stationing, directing cancer in late February 2025, and then moving back over the same degrees.
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Brittany Pastuhov: We get a Mars retrograde roughly every
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Brittany Pastuhov: 2 and a half years. So
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Brittany Pastuhov: sorry every 2 ish years. Mars goes retrograde, and the last time was in late 2022, October 30, th 2022, through January 12, th 2023 in Gemini. The last time Mars was retrograde in cancer. And Leo and I will talk about this in the 2025 forecast, too, because it affects that
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Brittany Pastuhov: those were in late 2,007 early, 2,008. So November 15, th 2,007 Mars Station retrograde in cancer, and went through Gemini until January 30, th 0 8, and then in 2,009, December 22,009 Mars Station retrograde at 19 degrees of Leo and retrograded through Leo until March 10, th 2010. Okay, so late, 2,007,
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Brittany Pastuhov: early, 2010 like those are the last times you saw this Mars retrograde in this sign. But the last time Mars was retrograde in general in Gemini late 2022 through January 12, th 23. So we haven't had that seen this for about 2 years. But Mars is retrograde somewhere every 26 months or so, and
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Brittany Pastuhov: this time it's in Leo. So Mars in general represents the energy of the will of desire, of courage like
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Brittany Pastuhov: without Mars we wouldn't be going anywhere. We need Mars to kind of activate us wherever Mars is in your chart. It's kind of where desire and will is and how Mars is affected by the house. The sign the aspects in your chart will tell you something about your approach to desire and will and courage. It's also, Stephen Forrest calls Mars assertiveness
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Brittany Pastuhov: training. Okay? So it's also about facing your fears that courage part and how assertive you are, or how you are being trained in assertiveness. So for all of us, when Mars goes retrograde, it is a call to understand more about our own attitudes toward assertiveness, toward fear and courage.
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Brittany Pastuhov: Again, a retrograde planet is turned inward rather than external, which is hard for Mars, because Mars tends to be very externally focused. Archetypally. The warrior, the hero, the one who goes after something who accomplishes their will.
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Brittany Pastuhov: That's all very external in the world, and to go internal is sort of anathema to Mars. So when Mars goes retrograde, we have a little less of that will and assertion. Right? It starts to get more internally focused sometimes in in a negative way. This could mean that you're focusing your anger internally on yourself, or letting it fester within rather than being assertive. Right? But in a in a more
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Brittany Pastuhov: evolved level. Mars retrograde could be a time when things are a little more peaceful within, when you're investigating your own attitude toward your desires or your will, and and thinking about how, where you need to be assertive, or how you can be more assertive in a positive way. So again, it's all about how you think about it. Of course.
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Brittany Pastuhov: planets in the chart can represent circumstances, or how other people act that can be beyond our control. So when I look at your personal chart and see the house Mars is retrograding through, and what you have in that sign, or what it's aspecting, I'll be able to. I can tell you more about how it affects you in particular.
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Brittany Pastuhov: but in general, the Mars in Leo, when expressed direct, would have a great desire for admiration and attention, a great desire to perform, to be creative in some way, a great desire for play in some capacity, and that can be really lovely. We love to see Mars in Leo. People kind of like
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Brittany Pastuhov: put on a firework show with themselves sometimes when it's really expressed in in a beautiful and interesting or exciting way. Mars, in Leo, like negative expressions, would be
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Brittany Pastuhov: wanting to dominate other people because of like a desire for attention that is thwarted, or admiration that is thwarted like overly egotistical can be, you know, a shadow of Leo. And so we see some of those shadows come into play when Mars goes retrograde, but it's also so that we can kind of face them and face whatever fears we have with Mars and Leo. Most of this retrograde is going to take place with Mars in cancer?
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Brittany Pastuhov: So as Mars moves toward cancer, why is the ascendant suddenly
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Brittany Pastuhov: resumed. I'm having all kinds of little tricks played on me here. Okay,
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Brittany Pastuhov: December 6.th And then I'm just gonna move it forward by days. As Mars slowly, slowly retrogrades
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Brittany Pastuhov: towards cancer. We will start to see more.
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Brittany Pastuhov: more emphasis on what Mars and Cancer cares about, which is often protection, protection of the home and family protection of the self building that hard, outer shell, so that you're not vulnerable, which can be a helpful thing, like a useful thing to be focused on protection, and also sometimes a kind of self undoing thing where people can become overly
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Brittany Pastuhov: protected, not come out of their shell. Right? So when Mars is in cancer, we're kind of thinking about? How am I protecting myself in ways that are helping me? And how am I protecting myself in ways that are hurting me? For example, do you have a desire
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Brittany Pastuhov: that you're not expressing in the world because you're afraid of being vulnerable, that it will show too much of you, or that you will get hurt in some way the Mars retrograde can show you some of those shadow aspects
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Brittany Pastuhov: of protection with Mars in cancer. So again, it's about facing those internal fears, assertiveness, training for yourself rather than aggression.
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Brittany Pastuhov: Work on the ego with Mars in Leo, and on what your own sort of strategies for protection that may or may not be serving you longer with Mars and cancer. And again, it is the inner landscape that we're looking at with retrograde planets. So it is a time it's winter. It is a time to be slowing down.
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Brittany Pastuhov: Mars is a little less sort of assertive and aggressive, and exerting the will on the world when retrograde.
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Brittany Pastuhov: Okay, now, I've taken us all the way into January. Let's back up so for December we're just focused on the Leo, though. So 2025 will be the cancer part of it. We're just focused on sort of the the shadow side of ego. On expressing one's desires for admiration, attention, love
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Brittany Pastuhov: for play, and really focusing internally on ourselves first, st and quieting down to see how these these questions are affecting our lives.
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Brittany Pastuhov: Right, very important. Venus moves into Aquarius after Mars stations, retrograde December 7, th
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Brittany Pastuhov: and immediately makes a conjunction with Pluto. Okay, so Venus and Pluto together can really show us something about power in relationships and power dynamics. So
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Brittany Pastuhov: in Aquarius Venus is very concerned with sort of the whole group, not just a 1-on-one relationship which is always associated with Venus, but with
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Brittany Pastuhov: with the wider society. And then Pluto, of course, is totally transforming the wider society and science and tech as we've talked about, and I'll continue to talk about in the 2025 forecast Venus and Pluto reveals something about how those transformations are affecting relationships or relations between people.
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Brittany Pastuhov: It can certainly be kind of like a dark pole when Venus and Pluto are are interacting with each other. Not always like a positive relationship aspect, but sometimes the intensity
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Brittany Pastuhov: it can actually be really revealing and transformative for people. So watch what happens. December 7, th when Venus moves into Aquarius and interacts with Pluto.
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Brittany Pastuhov: We also have Neptune stationing direct December 7.th I don't put a lot of stock into like outer planet retrogrades because they happen for so long, but if the direct station, especially like impacts your personal chart, then it's another pass of Neptune and Pisces, which has very much been about like
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Brittany Pastuhov: universal compassion, and the expansion of consciousness and creativity with Neptune and Pisces, but can also, especially if it's aspecting a personal planet, lead to some fogginess or confusion that could be perhaps a little bit cleared up, or at least something you need to investigate again when Neptune stations direct. It's also making this
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Brittany Pastuhov: out of sign trying to Mars retrograde Neptune and Mars acts of compassion. So remember to have compassion for yourself during this time, when we're really slowing down and focusing internally when both Mercury and Mars are retrograde. It's not the ideal time to be trying to convince other people of your viewpoint or the ideal time to be like
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Brittany Pastuhov: in a situation where you have to be confident and assertive, but not aggressive. You really want to slow down and put your focus on the long game and what you really want out of the situation, and sometimes
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Brittany Pastuhov: saying nothing is better than saying something when these these retrogrades are happening, and you really need to focus on your own internal dialogue and your own internal kind of subconscious patterns to get anywhere with these, with these retrogrades, particularly ego, I think ego can flare up and
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Brittany Pastuhov: you might say something that you regret with mercury retrograde. So you want to be careful here, and and just kind of focus on.
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Brittany Pastuhov: Where is this anger coming from? And why am I angry? Oh, is it because I haven't gone after what I want? And I see the other person has got it, and I feel that I deserve it. Well, why haven't I
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Brittany Pastuhov: gone after that? Why haven't I tried to, you know, get on stage, and do the performance whatever it is with Mars, Mars, and Leo. There
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Brittany Pastuhov: the Neptune is giving compassion acts of compassion. Direct those towards yourself, and if you can, if you feel that you have the wherewithal, direct them towards others as well.
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Brittany Pastuhov: Okay, we have this Venus opposition to, because Venus is an Aquarius to the Mars retrograde on December 12.th
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Brittany Pastuhov: So Venus, opposite Mars retrograde is just highlighting, and Venus will go retrograde also after the Mars retrograde she'll go retrograde in the spring of 2025, Venus is with Pluto, planet of power and intensity, intense transformation.
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Brittany Pastuhov: What are we intensely transforming here in relationship with our assertiveness lessons our assertiveness training. Okay, this can all happen on a very inner landscape in a very inner way, which means you may not see the effects yet until after the retrograde in the spring of 2025. But Venus is challenging Mars and saying.
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Brittany Pastuhov: If there's someone who is overpowering you, or in some way you're in a relationship to power that is not healthy.
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Brittany Pastuhov: What is that telling you about your own
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Brittany Pastuhov: desires or secret desires, or or your own vulnerabilities as Mars moves into cancer and
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Brittany Pastuhov: how do you need to assert yourself in a way that will work for you? Of course this Pluto Mars opposition is coming back around applying again. That does tend to be anger and power struggles. So we want to be careful here. Sometimes when people are in situations where they are being overpowered. It is not easy to just leave or to be assertive. And so there's strategy applied as well with Aquarius.
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Brittany Pastuhov: But it's definitely highlighting some situations, perhaps, where there may be power, struggles, and anger involved. And how could we find ways, strategies with Aquarius, of enacting our will and our assertiveness, while also protecting ourselves and others in those situations. So that's kind of a intense aspect.
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Brittany Pastuhov: The Venus opposition of Mars, December 12, th and then December 15th we see Mercury Station direct again in Sagittarius. So Mercury's gone through Sagittarius, and we'll then go over the same degrees again. Right? We get 3 passes with every kind of retrograde. Again, there's a trying to the North Node in Aries, and to Mars and Leo. What you desire
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Brittany Pastuhov: is something you may need to pioneer or go after. You may need to be the 1st one. You may need to do it independently. There's some independence here. You may need to do it without approval or admiration at first, st because people don't necessarily understand.
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Brittany Pastuhov: So, as you've investigated those beliefs of yours, that internal dialogue with Mercury going retrograde through Sagittarius. How can you now apply it in sort of an external way, as we can start to
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Brittany Pastuhov: speak more about it out loud, I guess I would say, rather than the internal. With Mercury and Sagittarius direct, and Mercury will go back over the same degrees of Sagittarius. So if you are a Sagittarius, have placements there, other mutable placements. You feel that
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Brittany Pastuhov: impact again. But mercury is just a little more functional in the typical way of being able to express and think and analyze when direct there, even though Mercury and Sagittarius, while in mutual reception with Jupiter, which does help.
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Brittany Pastuhov: can sometimes get a little too too big for his britches, I guess, to use a cliche like.
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Brittany Pastuhov: and sometimes have like such big ideas and such a forceful expression of them, that it that it ends up being, you know, kind of a mistake, but also Mercury and Sagittarius can be very funny, very blunt with the humor and and very wise in terms of the things that they notice and what they're willing to say that other people can't say so, Mercury, and
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Brittany Pastuhov: goes direct. We get a little less retrograde energy. But Mars is still retrograde. So we're still slowing down. We're still considering we're still getting kind of our assertiveness lessons and trying not to
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Brittany Pastuhov: direct
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Brittany Pastuhov: anger or pain into ourselves, but to find ways of dealing with it internally, to understand where it's coming from, and to be able to manifest our will on the world in a positive way.
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Brittany Pastuhov: Okay, Venus makes a trying to Jupiter. Oh, right. And there's a full moon. December 15.th So let's go to that chart.
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Brittany Pastuhov: Okay.
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Brittany Pastuhov: full moon chart for December 15.th we have a full moon in Gemini next to Jupiter in Gemini.
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Brittany Pastuhov: and it's squaring Neptune
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Brittany Pastuhov: in Pisces and a little bit Saturn in Pisces. So there's some tension here, you know the moon in Gemini just kind of wants to play and have fun. The moon in Gemini really loves to learn and speak and communicate with others, often social, depending on other aspects and placement. A house placement of the moon, and is also like making this wide
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Brittany Pastuhov: trying to. It's really Jupiter that's making that trying to Venus still.
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Brittany Pastuhov: But there is this sense of like communication coming back online as Mercury prepares to station direct. Still, this full moon will be Mercury. Retrograde ruled. So again, something revealed, something revealed some information, and it might be about what is blocking you, or stopping you in sort of
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Brittany Pastuhov: the creative realms, or wherever you have Pisces in your chart.
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Brittany Pastuhov: realms of of love, of compassion,
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Brittany Pastuhov: and or escapism, conversely, and also like kind of intention, with just the universal sort of consciousness. Because Gemini likes things to be sort of like. It's concrete information. It's little bits of information. It's not like the Neptune, like cosmic consciousness revealed. But there's some kind of revelation with this full moon in Gemini, and it is like a
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Brittany Pastuhov: good time to let go with all of the slowing down that we're doing the retrogrades and Mercury stationing direct.
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Brittany Pastuhov: It's a good time to kind of let go of something. Maybe that will help with the anger portion of a Mars retrograde is to just let go, and and possibly there's forgiveness there with Jupiter and Neptune involved, or some acceptance with Saturn involved. But Venus is making a trying to Jupiter here. So we've got like kind of this beneficial aspect between Venus and Aquarius for
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Brittany Pastuhov: the relations between groups and friendships, and some level of like communication or thinking ideas that are helping us.
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Brittany Pastuhov: Okay, so full moon in the realm of ideas and revelation, maybe letting go of something as Mercury stations direct. And we have that Venus
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Brittany Pastuhov: applying to a trine with Jupiter.
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Brittany Pastuhov: So that will be exact. December 19.th And again, that's like a that's like a helpful aspect between 2 beneficial planets.
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Brittany Pastuhov: where, you know our ideas are helping us with our relationships with friends and groups, and Venus is moving away from the Pluto aspect, which again, still that Pluto. Opposition to Mars is really intense, continues to be intense. Throughout December. Big power struggles big like difficulties with anger or frustration, as things do transform or even fear, and like
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Brittany Pastuhov: having some courage about going into this kind of new world with Pluto and Aquarius, and what it could look like having some vision to enact the will, being able to act with courage in the face of major changes.
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Brittany Pastuhov: But there's some conversation happening here where people can get together. People can communicate ideas with each other. There is some good fortune in in being together, in having groups of of people who are willing to listen.
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Brittany Pastuhov: Okay? And then we have the solstice. December 21, st we've got
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Brittany Pastuhov: the sun moving into Capricorn. That's our winter solstice. December 21.st at 4 20 am. So I think that would make the 20th the longest night
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Brittany Pastuhov: And then at dawn the sun moves into into Capricorn, and we start to have the light kind of return in the northern hemisphere where I live, where we're having the darkest months of the year.
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Brittany Pastuhov: December 24th Christmas Eve. For those who celebrate we do have an exact square between Saturn and Jupiter, December 24.th It's later in the it's earlier in the day.
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Brittany Pastuhov: at 14 degrees of their respective signs but Jupiter Square, Saturn. This has been like a really big emphasis for 2024, and will happen again on December 24, th but really is happening throughout this entire lunar cycle. So another layer of what's happening during this lunar cycle is that Saturn and Jupiter are applying to a square with one another
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Brittany Pastuhov: again. And so we have. Jupiter in the sign of Gemini doesn't do quite as well. Saturn in Pisces is a little bit stronger, but also a difficult match for the sort of like king of material things and material, like reality to be in the sign of sort of cosmic consciousness and the ineffable. So this square says, you know.
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Brittany Pastuhov: our ideas are not always approaching sort of what the reality of cosmic consciousness is, and as we try to sort of manifest compassion in the real world or create things. We need to be aware that
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Brittany Pastuhov: these are really big concepts that are not always easy to bring into
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Brittany Pastuhov: reality and manifestation, right, the concept of all being one or everything being love. Whatever realizations you may have had when you were on when you were tripping on mushrooms, or whatever like those kinds of big realizations, are hard to bring into the small daily things of everyday reality.
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Brittany Pastuhov: And so that's kind of what the Saturn Jupiter Square to me is expressing is the difficulty of bringing cosmic love into the everyday experience, and how limited sometimes our minds can be to to understand and hold these concepts because we are human, because we have
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Brittany Pastuhov: limited sort of vision. And Jupiter and Gemini, though, does have a lot of ideas about how we might manifest this. Saturn sometimes can be kind of blocking the love or the or the manifestation of it. So we've got that Saturn square Jupiter, like, there's something let's say, okay, in your personal life to make it more concrete
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Brittany Pastuhov: in your personal life you have ideas and hopes and dreams that you wish to speak into reality with Jupiter and Gemini and Saturn in Pisces is like no, make it better, no, make it better, no, make it better, and Saturn in Pisces kind of blocking opportunities
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Brittany Pastuhov: to get these ideas out into reality, or to or for your your good fortune.
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Brittany Pastuhov: that you may be trying to speak into being Mercury and Sagittarius also participating in this square again, like how your beliefs or ideas about yourself, and about even like the nature of reality or philosophy are influencing your ability to manifest sort of a cosmic consciousness. Or, let's say, a creative consciousness into into your reality. So
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Brittany Pastuhov: there's a block there, you know, and it's also like significant to me that it's Christmas Eve. But this has been going on through all of 2024. And throughout this lunar cycle. There's a challenge to your ability to speak your desires and will into being with Mars Mars in Leo, retrograde opposite Pluto and with Jupiter Square, Saturn, like there, there is a challenge to
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Brittany Pastuhov: creating the life that you want speaking your will into existence, and it's just something that you, as a trial. You have to go through being able to see it that way, as kind of a hero's journey can help with this sometimes, because Saturn does throw up blocks, but in in accepting those challenges, what you get out of it can be called wisdom. So again.
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Brittany Pastuhov: an aspect
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Brittany Pastuhov: of tension in service of wisdom. Jupiter Square, Saturn, Mercury, Mercury applies to that square with Saturn and achieves it exactly on December 27.th
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Brittany Pastuhov: Okay, so then, repeating that that little and and things have been squaring Saturn the whole time. Mercury had a square with Saturn the day Mars stations retrograde December 6.th Then the sun is also squaring Saturn. The new moon squared, Saturn, December first, st December 4, th December 6.th We have all these squares to Saturn, and then Jupiter Square, Saturn, December 24.th Exactly so that's the big one we're applying to.
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Brittany Pastuhov: And then Mercury squares Saturn again. So lots and lots of squares to Saturn and Pisces.
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Brittany Pastuhov: This concept of the monastic wise one, or working for universal wisdom.
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Brittany Pastuhov: can be a real pain in the ass. I know Saturn in Pisces can be, and has been for me, too. But this is a really internally focused lunar cycle. So it's not really always about getting things done, but acquiring the wisdom and looking internally to create the changes, and you will see them internally before you will see them externally with this lunar cycle.
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Brittany Pastuhov: or an even simpler way. Slow down and try to find peace because
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Brittany Pastuhov: things are being worked out here during this lunar cycle, with all of the retrogrades and the squares to Saturn and Saturn often is slowing down and blocking things, and then Mars retrograde will also be slowing down and not acting as fully expressed as Mars normally would, not acting externally as much, and then Mercury retrograde, also.
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Brittany Pastuhov: slowing down, going internal, keeping it to yourself. Right so. And then we end the lunar cycle. Let's see.
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Brittany Pastuhov: December 30.th We have a new moon in Capricorn before that Venus squares. Uranus Venus started out with a trying to Uranus from Capricorn, and then we'll be squaring Uranus from Aquarius, December 28.th Exactly
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Brittany Pastuhov: so somewhere around there, but applying to the square with Uranus again, these planets are always in conversation with each other, and this tension is like, how are the the extreme changes in with Uranus and Taurus and the economy? For example, something that's Taurus ruled and Venus ruled, which is money affected the groups in the social order, right? Our relationships. So
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Brittany Pastuhov: there's some tension and struggle here this December, and I think, slowing down and finding peace, and doing what you can with what you have is really the answer to that tension and struggle, but also understand that if you are going through it that many, many, other people also are, and that there are brighter areas of 2025 to look forward to as well. But there's definitely something to let go of with that full moon in December 15th in Gemini.
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Brittany Pastuhov: with all the retrogrades. There's something that can be let go of that might make you lighter as you journey forth into the New Year.
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Brittany Pastuhov: Okay, and then Chiron stations direct. December 29.th In Aries, at 19 degrees of Aries and making a trine to that Mercury and Sagittarius. There's something healing okay in in your thought patterns, in the way you speak in beliefs.
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Brittany Pastuhov: so. And there's something healing about comedy, too, about just laughing about all of the the trials. And and that's also a way.
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Brittany Pastuhov: you know, the fool and the wise one are very close together. So like that's also a way of acquiring wisdom is is to find humor is to laugh. Okay,
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Brittany Pastuhov: And then we have a new moon, December 30, th in Capricorn, and that's where we'll end
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Brittany Pastuhov: for this lunar cycle forecast, and then I'll be giving you your 2025 forecast soon
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Brittany Pastuhov: new moon and Capricorn will start the next lunar cycle, and also be kind of the beginning for 2025 as well. Lots to think about for 2025, so I will leave you with this lunar cycle forecast. Slow down, accept that. It's the dark time, you know. See where you can find peace, and I think you will do really really well, because again, you know, these cycles are happening.
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Brittany Pastuhov: and that is a huge benefit to you.
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Brittany Pastuhov: Be well and happy. Holidays.