Clients Say...
“I would absolutely recommend that any of our listeners get a chart reading done by Brittany, because I was absolutely thrilled. I will be getting another one, I can definitely promise was fabulous.”
— Kanani Soleil, co-host of That Witch Life Podcast
“Excellent! My Story of You reading with Brittany was really amazing. She quickly got a good sense of my level of knowledge and made sure the reading wasn’t too advanced or basic. She carefully explained anything I didn’t understand and answered all my questions. Her reading covered both the past, present, and future and was thorough and completely on point. It was also very specific, with dates to look out for in the years ahead. One last point — while I’m confident that she could give a great reading to anyone, I think that as a woman, having a woman reader added additional insight that I found profoundly helpful. Highly recommended!”
— Ivy Bromius,
“I don’t care what anyone says about astrology. When you read my chart, it WAS me. You know me!”
— Trisha E.
“My consultation was really affirming and insightful. Just what I needed at this challenging and growth filled time in my life.”
— Molly E.
“So cool! This reading was excellent and really tied a lot together for me.”
— Desiree N.
“My session with Brittany was fun, eye opening, confirming, and inspiring. Loads of information as well. I took lots of notes. It’s going to fun to track all this too!”
— Ming C.
“Brittany’s reading of my chart was eye-opening. She is particularly good at articulating broad effects, and mapping them to possible specifics within my own life profile. She was sophisticated and nuanced as she made these connections; and she was expert at dialing it in to my own rather limited astrology knowledge level without seeming pedantic. It was a reading with heart.”
— Allison S.
“Thank you so much for the wonderful reading! It was intuitive and affirming, and gave me a lot of inspiration for the year ahead. So much to reflect on. I’ll be sure to recommend you to anyone who asks. I had a great experience with you.”
— Jessi C.
“Brittany’s reading delivered on multiple levels. She is both professional and personable, and I found her reading to be thorough and detailed. It resonated with me in many ways. ”
— Melissa S.
“Thank you so much for everything! You are very skilled at analyzing and presenting astrology. I wish I had as deep of an understanding as you, but even if I did, I know that speaking with you would have been incredibly helpful. You have a way of explaining what all of it could mean without putting too much value on any singular piece, which is a true gift. You are highly insightful, while maintaining a positive perspective that is somehow neutral at the same time. Your way of speaking and sharing your knowledge allowed me to think about what you were saying in terms of my own life without trying to immediately pinpoint what it is that I was ‘born to do,’ so to speak. I left feeling full of possibility, yet also content with who I am. I’ll be reflecting on our conversation for a long time, and cannot tell you how much I appreciate everything you did to prepare for our session - you even had further readings and information ready to go when I asked! I’m so glad that we met up.”
— Christine D.
“I really enjoyed my reading with Brittany. I could tell immediately that she knows her stuff and she was so professional in her explanation of what it all means. She’s very skilled at making it accessible for someone like me who isn’t well versed in astrology. I highly recommend her!”
— Diania M.
“Just had a mini-reading and I was blown away! It was very accurate regarding my personality, interests, and where I’m at in my life. I truly enjoyed this reading.”
— MaryLynne B.
“You’re phenomenal! Thank you for the support and the vote of confidence! I am stunned, impressed and overwhelmed by your accuracy. I needed to hear this!”
— Irene S.